
Violet is in a huff because she has to share the spotlight with others. Prickly Paul is a feeling a little more prickly than usual. Geraldine, with his chubby, pale green petals, holds a sheepish grin as he peers over at the dark, lithe Al next to him. The little ones are brimming with curiosity. They mischievously poke and prod the others and are thrilled to finally have someone to snuggle up to at night. I sit with them for a minute, tucking them in and making sure each one is nestled into the soil securely before shutting out the light. In the beginning, it’s always a bit awkward. Yes, it will take some adjustment. But soon, they will be the best of friends. Honestly, I am not worried in the slightest.

Over the last few months, I have been collecting baby succulents to place all over the house. A purple flower, a sea-foam green charmer, a spiky cactus, pokey aloe, and some adorable miniature forms of life. Each, on its own, maintains a personality and an independence. When potted together, that will change and they will become much more. I cannot wait.


The loose crumbs of their soil house will merge together into a solid foundation, bringing them all under one roof. They will spread their limbs in the dirt, entwine one another with a firm handshake which graduates to a hug. They will become busy with conversations, gossip, wisdom, bickering…

Al lends Prickly Paul a cup of sugar to soothe his nerves. Violet and Geraldine play poker on Saturdays. The children roam free and wild, under the watchful eyes of the others. No one ever goes hungry as nourishment is vast and plentiful. Can you picture this universe?

I have also been re-potted.

The “Sonia” I identified with before and the soil I knew as “mine” no longer exists. I have been uprooted from the life I led before and placed into a new pot with new plants. It has been on-the-edge-of-my-seat, thrilling

Yes, in the beginning it was hard. I missed my old soil. It was awkward. Where am I? What is this new DC place? With lots of big changes – moving, renovating the home, defending my thesis, and getting married(!!) – there was a need to stay quiet. I’ve learned from experience that when enduring special, large moments such as these, it’s good to respect whatever resistance emerges. It’s good not to force. It’s good not to pull on the chain of your necklace further when you are trying to unravel the knots.


So for some time, I have taken the wisdom of the tortoise, and climbed back inside my shell. I have taken my sweet time. Who knows, perhaps the more time it takes, the sweeter it is? Regardless of time, the moments spent inside that tortoise-shell have been most valuable, filled with contemplation, introspection, and a renewal of confidence. I do believe that by acquiring these tools in your arsenal before stepping out into a new land, you will be in good shape.



Spring is so sweet. My roots have flourished within the new surroundings and I feel bolstered by the soil beneath my feet. I have someone to clink my cup with in “cheers” when I drink tea. Laundry is more fun, as is sleeping in on Sundays. I have a new home, a new family, new yoga students, and a new beginning here in DC. I hope to share more with you soon about everything.

Happy planting. Happy re-potting. Bring on the cherry blossoms.

Much love,

More later,