California Minute.

I’m getting on a California bound plane in five hours. We booked it today.

All my big important decisions in life happen in a heartbeat. Literally a heart beat.

On the surface, I seem to be really bad with decisions. You could say I am one of the most frustrating decision makers. But only when I use my head too much. I like to see all the possible options AND their details. I read every ingredient in each item on the menu. Then I compare them. Then I change some around and get really specific. Like hold the mushrooms and add broccoli and please not too greasy. Sometimes I ask you what do you think? Then I make a decision. Then I change my mind. Hah, it’s true.

Best idea is to save us both the effort and order for me. Cut off all my options during these trivial mind decisions so that I just enjoy what is given.

(Now if it’s something really important to me, like for example dessert, well then it’s easy. I know exactly what I want.)

So then how do I make all these crazy big decisions? Like going to Berkeley. Or moving to New York. Or moving to India for a year? It’s simple. Someone has ordered for me. I think it’s my heart.

When the heart speaks, there is no question of doubt.

So in just 24 hours, my heart decided to bring me home for a hot minute. 

Mom fractured her spine. She was supposed to come see me, but now she is broken. It’s really Luke’s fault for being so old and heavy (she lifted him into the car and pulled her back). I believe they are really scheming together to find a way to get me home ;).20130428-000840.jpg

So I am coming!! Me aa rahi hu! Coming to mend my mama with love and chocolate and laughter.

Coming to hug Luke forever until he tries to escape my grip, and kiss his nose, and rub his ears, and annoy him with my singing and dancing (which he secretly loves).

Coming to re-charge and re-focus. I’ve had the most confusing week. What to do with my future? Stuff like that. Home will be a great break before begin my Iyengar yoga classes in June.

Coming to make fresh hummus in Ek-thor (Hector in spanish), my Vitamix. Coming to cruise in Meesh (Michelle), our Prius. Coming to eat samples at Costco. And strawberries…May is like the perfect month for our gigantic and sweet Oxnard strawberries!!

Trader Joes!!! So excited.

AND cannot wait to see you! Yes, don’t look behind you or next to you, I’m talking to YOU!

I’m here for a few weeks before I head back to life in India. SO COME HANG OUT. Our home is open in Santa Barbara. Don’t be shy, just come come come. You are invited. You can hug my mom and meet the legendary Luke.

I hope to make a Bay Area trip on my way out (like last time) to see all you lovely people up there.

Yogis save me a yoga class. Foodies save me some good eats. Friends save me a day at the beach or the park, or a walk or a tea or a laugh or a crazy night out dancing.

Everyone save me a big bear hug. Good hugs. I won’t stand for those soft I-feel-awkward hugs. No thanks.

Okay gotta fly. Wish me a speedy happy journey free of airsickness and full of good movies. Californiaaaa. Here we come!

Much love,
More later,
Im so excited!!!!!!
See me or else.


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